Welcome to

Soft. life strategy.

As a professional coach, I exist to help you see your light of possibility so that your dreams can become your life. 

I am here to help you grow from where you are to where you want to be. Helping you create a meaningful life using the qualities that you already have within. At Soft, I use a fresh approach, focused entirely on you. 

Coaching you from where you are to where you want to be.


My values.


About you.

Achievement through being entirely yourself.


Less, but better.

Shedding the shackles of saying yes to everything and everyone.

The power of choice.

Believing that you can choose what you want.


Discovering peace.

Seeking simplicity in your life.

Nurturing Nature.

Illuminating what makes you, you.


Hi, I’m Jess, nice to meet you!